Modified the informations on the processing of personal data (see "Legal Notes")

ISO 9001:2015 Certificate
RGR is pleased to announce the achievement of ISO 9001: 2015 certification, one year earlier than the natural expiration of the previous ISO 9001: 2008. This goal has been achieved with the precise aim of guaranteeing an ever higher level…

RGR heat exchangers are finally on-line
The world of the heat exchangers manufactured by RGR is finally on-line with a new web site inside which each user can browse through different sections: from the “Products” page, where the company offer can be checked, to the “Engineering…

New software for 3D designing and modelling
The design of heat exchangers, industrial fans and lightweight structural work components, after two recent training courses attended by the personnel from the Engineering Department, is carried out by means of the SolidWorks 3D CAD software. With respect to the…

RGR towards the obtainment of the integrated system certification
Quality at RGR does not only find expression in the production of heat exchangers; in fact, it is something related to all the aspects of its corporate life. This is the reason why RGR has recently started implementing all the…